Simple Parking Receipts Template
30 June 2018
Standard parking receipts templates comes with multiple format options. If customer chosen standard parking receipt template with base price and tax template, it allows to choose parking facilitator address and provide the options to choose the address at left or right or center of the template receipt. Also allows to select bold or italic for the selected address.
It also allows to choose different font style type and font size. In the information section can allows to enter the automobile type (it allows to choose free text, where user can change the information type too). It also provides flexibility to enter the payment details like amount (base price), can select different currency types, tax details. Also, can select Thank you note details.
Standard valent parking receipt maker template provide same flexibility as mentioned above. But it is completely different layout. It comes with a caption called “THIS TICKET ALSO SERVES AS YOUR RECEIPT”. It automatically generates the transaction type and ticket details each time when the page refreshes.
It makes sure all the generated numbers unique and random. It comes with default font type and font size which satisfy the basic needs to create the fake parking receipt which most of the people uses it. It also generates the barcode which is random and unique for each template it generates. Default thank you note says, customer copy, which can be changed. All Text areas are very flexible, if you enter new line or space, you see the same in the template.
There is one more beautiful template “Parking template with custom logo” or “parking template with custom image and barcode” which supports load predefined images or custom image. Also use can place the image top center or middle of the page. Also let users to select the parking lot space and pricing information. It allows most flexible like other templates to choose different layout and formats.
“New parking receipt template with custom images and barcode” it is standard paring templates where it supports custom image or predefined image format where we can choose top left or top right or center of the header.